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Growing Vegetables

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Vertical gardening, how you can start with vertical gardening
Vertical gardening is a unique and creative way to grow plants in small spaces. Instead of growing plants horizontally, they are grown vertically.
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Grow Herbs from Cuttings: A Guide to Propagating and Rooting Herbs
Herb cutting propagation involves taking a cutting from an established herb plant and using it to grow a new plant.
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Does growing herbs inside attract bugs? How to Keep Your Indoor Herb Garden Pest-Free
Indoor herb gardening is a popular and easy way to have fresh herbs all year round. However, does growing herbs inside attract bugs?
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Organic vs. Conventional Gardening: Which Method is better?
Organic gardening is a sustainable and chemical-free method of growing plants and vegetables. It offers many benefits over conventional gardening.
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How to make a compost bin
Making a compost bin is a simple and effective way to reduce waste and create a soil that is really rich on nutrients for your vegetable garden. Not only does composting help the environment...
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Is it cheaper to grow your own vegetables?
Yes, it is cheaper to grow your vegetables, but you will not be able to buy an expensive car for the cost you save by growing your own fruits and vegetables. There are many small costs...
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Who is behind Thriving Vegetables?

Nice to have you here! My name is Sander, 31 years old, living in the Netherlands together with my girlfriend, two kids and our dog. Together we can often be found at the vegetable garden, and we love to be outside.

On this blog I will share as many tips and tricks as possible to make sure that you too can grow thriving vegetables.

Besides that I like to show you the life in our vegetable garden, so read along and enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer.