living wall vertical gardening

Vertical gardening, how you can start with vertical gardening

What is Vertical Gardening?

Vertical gardening is a unique and creative way to grow plants in small spaces. Instead of growing plants horizontally, they are grown vertically, allowing for more plants to be grown in a smaller area. This technique is perfect for those who have limited space but still want to enjoy the benefits of gardening. Not only does vertical gardening save space, but it also increases yield and creates a stunning visual display.

One of the main advantages with growing a vertical garden is the ability to grow more plants in a smaller space. This is especially useful for those living in urban areas or with limited outdoor space. Vertical gardens can be easily incorporated into small backyards, balconies, or even indoor spaces.

One of the key considerations when starting a vertical garden is the type of plants you want to grow. Not all plants are suitable for vertical gardening, so it’s important to choose plants that can thrive in a vertical environment. Some popular choices for vertical gardens include herbs, lettuce, strawberries, and flowering plants such as petunias or impatiens.

We’ll explain step by step how to start with vertical gardening for beginners.

vertical garden

Benefits of Vertical Gardening

Vertical gardening has many benefits, including:

  • Space-saving: By growing plants vertically, you can maximize your gardening space. This is especially useful for those who have limited outdoor space or want to create an indoor garden.
  • Another benefit of vertical gardening is the improved air circulation and drainage that comes with growing plants off the ground. This can prevent issues such as root rot and mold growth, allowing for healthier plants.
  • In traditional gardens, water can easily run off the surface of the soil, leading to erosion and nutrient loss. With a vertical garden, you can more easily direct the water to the roots of your plants, where it is needed most.
  • Vertical gardens can provide better access for watering and maintenance, making it easier to care for plants.
  • Increased yield: Vertical gardening allows for more plants to be grown in a smaller area, resulting in a higher yield.
  • Visual interest: Vertical gardens create a stunning visual display and can be used as a focal point in a garden or indoor space.
  • Improved air quality: Many plants have the ability to purify the air, and a vertical garden can help to improve air quality in a room or outdoor space.

Types of Vertical Gardens

There are several different types of vertical gardens, including:

  • Living walls: A living wall is a vertical garden that is attached to a wall or other structure. These gardens can be created using a variety of plants, including succulents, herbs, and small shrubs.
  • Vertical planters: A vertical planter is a container that is used to grow plants vertically. These can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, and metal.
  • Freestanding vertical gardens: Freestanding vertical gardens are self-supporting and can be moved around easily. These gardens can be created using a variety of plants and materials, including bamboo and reclaimed wood.
living wall vertical gardening

How to Build a Vertical Garden

Building a vertical garden is a fun and easy project that can be completed in a few simple steps.

  1. Choose the right plants: Select plants that will thrive in your climate and have similar light and water requirements.
  2. Decide on a location: Choose a location for your vertical garden that receives the right amount of light and is easy to access for maintenance.
  3. Create a plan: Decide on the design and layout of your vertical garden. This can include the type of vertical garden you want to create, the materials you will use, and the placement of plants.
  4. Gather materials: Collect the materials you will need for your vertical garden, such as a frame or structure, a watering system, and soil or growing medium.
  5. Build the frame or structure: Depending on the type of vertical garden you are creating, you may need to build a frame or structure to support the plants. This can be done using wood, metal, or other materials.
    For larger plants, such as climbing vines or vegetables, trellises or support structures may be necessary. These can be made from a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, or plastic, and can be attached to a wall or fence to provide support for the plants.

    In addition to traditional trellises, there are also vertical garden kits available that allow for easy installation and maintenance. These kits often include planters, support structures, and irrigation systems, making it easy to create a beautiful and functional vertical garden.
  6. Install the watering system: A vertical garden will need a watering system to keep the plants hydrated. This can be done using a drip system, a misting system, or just as simple as watering by hand.
  7. Add plants: Once the frame or structure is in place and the watering system is installed, it’s time to add plants. This can be done by attaching plants to the structure using clips or by planting them in pots that will hang on the structure.
  8. Care for your vertical garden: Keep your vertical garden healthy by providing the plants with the right amount of light, water, and fertilizer. Monitor for pests and diseases, and prune or remove any plants that are not thriving.
hand watering vertical vegetable garden

Vertical Gardening Ideas and Inspiration

Vertical gardening can be a very creative and fun way of gardening. Here are some ideas for your vertical garden:

  • Create a living wall of succulents: Succulents are perfect for vertical gardening because they don’t require a lot of water and can thrive in a variety of light conditions.
  • Use a ladder as a frame: An old ladder can be repurposed as a frame for a vertical garden. Simply attach planters to the rungs of the ladder and fill them with plants.
  • Build a vertical herb garden: Herbs are perfect for vertical gardening because they don’t take up a lot of space and can be harvested for cooking and medicinal purposes.
  • Use a pallet: An old pallet can be repurposed as a vertical garden by attaching planters to the slats and filling them with plants.
  • Create a vertical garden with a theme: Create a vertical garden with a specific theme, such as a butterfly garden or a hummingbird garden.
vertical gardening on balcony

What vegetables are best to grow in a vertical garden?

There are many vegetables that can be grown in a vertical garden, and the best ones for you will depend on your climate, space, and personal preferences. Here are a few vegetables that are well-suited to vertical gardening:

  1. Tomatoes These are a classic choice for vertical gardening, as they can be trained to grow up a support structure and produce an abundance of fruit. Cherry tomatoes are a good option for small spaces.
  2. Peppers Like tomatoes, peppers can be grown vertically and produce a large number of fruits. They also come in a range of sizes and flavors, so you can mix and match to create a diverse and flavorful garden.
  3. Cucumbers These vining plants are well-suited to vertical gardens, as they can easily be trained to grow up a support structure. They are also a great source of fresh, crunchy produce in the summer.
  4. Beans Both pole beans and bush beans can be grown vertically, making them a versatile option for your vertical garden. They are also a good source of protein and can be eaten fresh or cooked.
  5. Squash Summer squash, such as zucchini, are a good choice for vertical gardens as they can be trained to grow up a support structure and produce a large amount of fruit. Winter squash, such as acorn or butternut, can also be grown vertically, although they may require a sturdier support structure due to their weight.
  6. Carrots Yes you can grow carrots in a vertical garden, just make sure which carrots can be grown in pots of small gardens. Check all info in our blog post about growing carrots in a vertical garden
grow carrots in a vertical garden

It’s important to note that vertical gardens can be more challenging to maintain than traditional gardens, as they may require more frequent watering and care. However, with proper planning and attention, they can be a rewarding and space-efficient way to grow a variety of vegetables.

What herbs are best to grow in a vertical garden?

There are many herbs that are well-suited to vertical gardening, as they can be grown in small spaces and often have a compact, upright growth habit. Here are a few herbs that are well-suited to vertical gardens:

  1. Basil This is a classic herb that is easy to grow and adds flavor to a wide variety of dishes. It can be grown in pots or trained to grow up a support structure in a vertical garden.
  2. Parsley This herb is a good choice for vertical gardens, as it has a compact growth habit and can be grown in pots or trained to grow up a support structure. It is also a versatile herb that can be used in a variety of dishes.
  3. Mint This herb is easy to grow and has a vigorous, upright growth habit, making it well-suited to vertical gardens. It is also a good choice for pots, as it can spread quickly and may take over a traditional garden bed.
  4. Thyme This herb has a small, compact growth habit and can be grown in pots or trained to grow up a support structure in a vertical garden. It is also a versatile herb that can be used in a variety of dishes.
  5. Rosemary This herb has a woody, upright growth habit and can be grown in pots or trained to grow up a support structure in a vertical garden. It is also a good choice for small spaces, as it is drought-tolerant and requires minimal care.

As with any garden, it’s important to choose herbs that will thrive in your climate and provide the right amount of sunlight and water. With proper care, your vertical herb garden can provide a bounty of fresh herbs for cooking and garnishing dishes.

Vertical garderning systems you can buy.

There are many vertical gardening systems available for purchase, ranging from simple trellises to more complex, modular systems. These systems can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and fabric.

Here are a few examples of vertical gardening systems that you can buy:

  1. Wall-mounted planters: These are pots or containers that are mounted on a wall or fence. They can be made from a variety of materials, such as plastic, ceramic, or metal, and can hold a variety of plants, including herbs, flowers, and vegetables.
  2. Hanging baskets: These are baskets or pots that are suspended from a support structure, such as a ceiling, arbor, or trellis. They are a good option for growing plants that have a trailing growth habit, such as ivy or sweet potatoes.
  3. Freestanding trellises: These are standalone structures that can be placed in a garden or on a patio. They can be made from wood, metal, or plastic, and can be used to support a variety of climbing plants, including tomatoes, beans, and peas.
  4. Modular systems: These are systems that consist of a series of pots or containers that are stacked or connected in a vertical configuration. They can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, fabric, or metal, and can be used to grow a wide range of plants. For example these vertical planters from Greenstalk.

It’s important to choose a system that is well-suited to your needs and the plants you want to grow, and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and care.

In short

Vertical gardening is a unique and creative way to grow plants in small spaces. Not only does it save space and increase yield, but it also creates a stunning visual display. With a little creativity and some simple steps, anyone can create their own vertical garden. Whether you want to create a living wall, a vertical planter, or a freestanding vertical garden, the possibilities are endless. With the right plants, a plan, and some care, your vertical garden will thrive and be a beautiful addition to your home or outdoor space.

One last tip:

Don’t start to big! People often think they need to go big from the beginning, start small and be sure that you are ready to take care of all the herbs and vegetables that need your attention! Once that works out for you, step up the game and get some more thriving vegetables.

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