vegetable garden on a balcony

Best vegetables to grow on your balcony

People are increasingly conscious of their food, and especially want to eat healthier, and the origin of fruits and vegetables is very important in this regard. But not everyone has a large piece of land to grow vegetables on.
But even in a small garden or on a balcony you can grow some vegetables, so you can still enjoy dishes with homegrown ingredients. What do you need to do? And what do you need to consider when you want to grow vegetables on your balcony?

Because space is often limited you will have to be very careful with the space available when growing vegetables on a balcony. The best vegetables to grow on a balcony are therefore those that do not root too deeply or have very large plants. The more compact the containers the better.

But a lot is possible, and very diverse vegetables and fruits can be grown. Pay close attention to which containers you use, and make a good plan in advance to allocate the space optimally.

8 Vegetables that grow very well in containers

1. Carrots. Although not every type of carrot will grow optimally in containers on your balcony, there are a few varieties that do very well in containers. Consider, for example, the “Nantes” carrot, this deliciously sweet carrot grows to about 10 centimeters (4 inches) in length. This means that you can grow carrots in a container about 15 centimeters (6 inches) deep.

Normally carrots need some space to grow well, but this Nantes carrot variety can be grown relatively densely making the most of the space in the container. Go for a container of at least 30 x 30 centimeters (12 x 12 inches), and you will have a nice harvest of this delicious carrot.

2. Radishes. Another vegetable that will grow very well on a balcony is radishes. Radishes can also grow in containers about 15 centimeters (6 inches) deep. Radishes grow super well on a balcony, they are true spring vegetables that of course need sun. But be careful that this fast-growing vegetable does not get too hot in the hot afternoon sun.

Good soil is even more important in a container on a balcony than in a vegetable garden, but especially so for root vegetables. If these vegetables have to grow through dense rocky soil they will have trouble doing so. So with radishes or carrots, make sure the soil is loose and airy.

3. Peppers. To ensure that your balcony also looks good with all these vegetables in containers, a pepper plant should not be missing in your balcony vegetable garden. Especially the chili peppers are a wonderful addition to your balcony garden. Two important things for a pepper plant are light and water. The plant needs about 5 to 6 hours of sunlight per day. So pay attention to this when setting up your balcony.

The roots of a pepper plant also want to grow nicely, so always choose rich organic potting soil. With normal soil, the roots will have too much trouble growing through it. The pepper will need water about 1 time a day when it is around 65 F. (18 C.).

growing vegetables in a container

4. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are probably the best-known vegetable to grow. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind when you want to grow tomatoes in a container on the balcony. Tomatoes can grow in a pot, but they can also become quite large plants. Because the plant can become very large, it is important that you support it in the right way. Often there is more wind on a balcony and this wind can easily hit the tomato and damage it. So try to put the plant in a sheltered place during planting. A tomato plant also needs a lot of sunlight on a balcony, so make sure the plant gets at least 6-8 hours of sun a day.

A pot of 30 centimeters (12 inches) deep is enough to grow a tomato plant. There are many different types of tomatoes to grow on a balcony, but the somewhat smaller varieties will grow excellently. For example, consider the Pixie Tomato or the Tiny Tim Tomato.

growing vegetables on a balcony

5. Beans. Because you have to support beans well while they are growing you won’t think of growing them on a balcony very quickly. But actually, beans are very suitable for growing in containers. You can grow some types of beans (for example bush beans) in 15-18 centimeters (6-7 inches) of soil.

However, you need to make sure that you have good drainage in the pots, and that you support the plants well as they grow. This way you grow beautiful beans on your balcony or in a vertical garden.

6. Lettuce. There are many different types of lettuce that are perfect to grow in smaller vegetable gardens. You can grow lettuce in containers about 15 centimeters (6 inches) deep. Lettuce grows very well in cooler weather, if you are growing vegetables in a warm climate try growing lettuce in the winter.

A big advantage of growing lettuce on a balcony is that it grows very quickly, and you can harvest it quickly. In addition, it is a vegetable that you can harvest repeatedly. In cooler climates, you can sow lettuce in the spring, and lettuce can also withstand the wind on a balcony.

growing lettuce in a container

7. Beetroots. Beetroots are very easy to grow in containers on your balcony or in a vertical garden. A pot of 20 centimeters (8 inches) is deep enough to grow beetroots. When growing beetroots in a container on a balcony please ensure that you add enough compost to the pot to ensure that the beetroot can grow properly.

Beetroots grow relatively quickly, you can harvest them after just 7 to 8 weeks. Try to sow the seeds approximately every 2 weeks to ensure a continuous harvest. If you have too many beetroots that you are not going to eat, use them in the compost heap or grind them into the ground.

growing beetroots on a balcony

8. Herbs. Not technically vegetables, but herbs are a perfect addition to your balcony vegetable garden. In many dishes you use different herbs, and how nice it is when you can harvest these herbs from your own balcony. Many herbs can be grown inside the house or apartment, but also on the balcony.

You start with sowing and growing in the house, but when the plants become a little stronger they can certainly be moved to the balcony to continue growing. Some examples of herbs that you can grow well on a balcony are: Basil, Parsley, and Chives

9. Bonus tip: Plant some strawberry plants in a pot as well. Strawberries actually grow beautifully over the rim of the pot and become wonderfully full and sweet in flavor. Strawberries are very easy to grow and can be harvested very gradually, so you can enjoy them for a very long time. Real summer fruit is a nice addition to any vegetable garden.

How does a vegetable garden on a balcony work?

When growing vegetables in containers or pots on a balcony you need to pay attention to proper drainage. You will need some holes at the bottom of the pots, and it is wise to add some coarse gravel at the bottom of the containers. This way the drainage is optimal and the vegetables will grow much better on your balcony as well.

In addition, you should take into account the sun on your balcony, do you have a lot of sunshine all day long or is there only a small spot where you can catch some sunshine? You should take this into account when planning your containers and vegetables. Also, you need to water the containers regularly to allow the vegetables to continue to grow well, so make sure you have a water supply on the balcony so you can water more regularly.

Important to know is that the vegetables you are going to grow in a container on a balcony are completely dependent on the water you give them. Because the roots do not grow in the open ground to collect water the plants will have to get it from you.

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